Saturday, December 8 1759

…Paid Mr Edward Heaver, miller at Isfield, in cash 4/6 in full for ½ a bushel oatmeal and 3 bushels of pollard received by him today. We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner, with the addition of a light pudding and turnips. My brother came over in the afternoon, but did not stay. Rec’d of him 2/7½; viz.,

To exchange of a hive0.0.3
To 1 satin cap0.3.o
1 London almanac0.0.4½
Rec’d by money paid to Mr Charles Thornton0.1.0

About 5:30 walked down to Halland (previous to my invitation yesterday) [i.e., by previous invitation], there being a rejoicing on account that Admiral Hawke has dispersed a fleet which was preparing to invade this nation. The engagement happened near Belle Isle. The advantage gained by our fleet was but small, only burning two French ships, sunk two and took one, and at the same time we had the misfortune to lose two which ran ashore in the night, and, as they could not be got off, the Admiral destroyed them. This engagement is looked on ae a great advantage, on account it has entirely dispersed the fleet and at the same time wholly disconcerted their schemes so that in all probability their thoughts of invading these nations must be laid by for some time.

There was a fire of 8 hundred of faggots, a discharge of cannon and considerable quantity of beer given away among the populace, and we had a supper of a cold sirloin of roast beef and bread and cheese. Our company was Mr Porter, Joseph and Thomas Fuller, Mr Jeremiah French, Mr Calverley, Mr Burgess, Joseph Durrant, Mr Whitfield, John Browne, Sam Gibbs, Mr Saxby, Mr Goldsmith, Ed and William Shoesmith Jr and Richard Bridgman. We drank a great many loyal healths (and even too many). I came home about 11:15 after staying in Mr Porter’s wood near an hour and a half, the liquor operating so much in the head that it rendered my legs useless. Oh how sensible I am of the goodness of the divine providence that I am preserved from harm, and, that I may always have a just sense thereof, let me ever be meditating of the goodness of Almighty God to me, a poor sinful creature.

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