Tuesday, January 8 1760

Paid Benjamin Shelley in cash £16, part of which he is to pay in London for me, and part of which is on account of carriage. Mary Heath a-washing for us all day, and dined with us on some hog’s liver, crow [mesentery], sweetbreads etc. After dinner my sister went home. Rec’d of John Watford half a hog weighing 17 stone 6 lbs at 2/- the stone. Balanced accounts with Richard Page and paid him in cash 1.3.3½ in full; viz.,

Richard Page Dr.
To a book debt1.14.4½
In cash today1.3.3½
Per contra Cr.
Rec’d 2 sacks coals0.3.0
Do. by carriage of salt etc.0.16.0
Do. by 6 lbs hops for myself0.8.0
Do. 23 lbs for Mr John Breeden1.10.8

At home all day. In the evening read part of Brook’s Practice of Physic. Pretty busy all day. A very sharp frosty day.

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