Monday, January 21 1760

Mr John Robinson stayed and breakfasted with us and then went away. In the day busy a-selling of Mr Whitfield’s household goods. Rec’d of Roger Vallow by his son 2/2¼ in full on account of Mr Whitfield. Rec’d of Mr French by the payment of his wife 2/10½ in full for Mr Whitfield. Paid Mrs French by a book debt and goods 1.10.0 in full for 60 lbs of butter she put up for me (that is, I got it put up for Mr Thomas Scrase at Lewes). In the forenoon Mr Scrase came to see me and dined with us on a rabbit stewed, some sausages and the remains of yesterday’s dinner. I received of him in cash 2.9.4 which is in full on his account except the butter I had put up for him this year.

Thomas Scrase Dr.
To 26 yards Irish at 2/22.16.4
To 60 lbs butter} the year 1750
To 31 do.}2.5.6
Per contra Cr.
To 2 wigs for my brother William1.11.6
To one do. myself1.1.0
Rec’d in cash today2.9.4

so that there remains due to me only for the butter that I got put up for him this year, which was 104 lbs. Mr Scrase stayed and spent the afternoon with me and then went home. Master Hook and I played a few games of cribbage in the evening; I lost 2d. The money I sold Mr Whitfield’s goods for was 0.12.11 (that is, for all I have sold today). In the evening wrote my London letters. Very little to do all day. My wife a good deal disordered with the rheumatism.

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