Sunday, January 20 1760

Myself, wife and servant at church in the morning… We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. No service at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Laughton. Our servant went to Laughton church. In the afternoon Mr John Robinson, Mr William Margesson’s rider, came to our house. He drank some coffee at our house and also stayed all night.

In the evening we balanced our accounts, and I paid him in cash £18, which is in full on account of Messrs Margesson and Collison. I then paid him in cash £20 on account of his master Mr Will Margesson, and gave him a bill at sight on his master Mr Will Margesson, payable to Mr John Robinson, dated tomorrow, No. 426, value 18.7.0, which with sundry returns and abatements leaves due to Mr Margesson £20.

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