Friday, February 15 1760

My brother came over in the forenoon; I lent him my horse. We dined on a plain rice pudding, a piece of beef boiled and potatoes. Just as we had dined my uncle Hill came in, who dined on the remains of shat we had left. I balanced the account between my uncle and my brother William; viz.,

Mr Richard Hill Dr. [including]
To one year’s wages due the 5th April 17594.0.0

for which I received my uncle’s note of hand, payable to my brother or order on demand, with interest at £4 percent per annum, to commence from the 7th April next.

In the evening Mr Long md I walked down to Whyly where we supped on some sausages, cold roast pork and apple pie. Mr French and I balanced accounts… We came home about 9:40, and both a little merry. Till about 10:30 it was a remarkable tempestuous night, the wind being extremely high and rained very much and lightened several times.

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