Sunday, March 23 1760

Myself, wife and servant at church in the morning… We had a brief read for the protestant church of Haggin in the county of Mark (in the King of Prussia’s dominions) in Germany. The expense of rebuilding and repairing the same amounted to the sum of £3100 and upwards. This brief is to be collected from house to house. We dined on a dried hog’s cheek boiled, light pudding and greens. In the afternoon walked to Laughton Church, Mr Porter preaching there. The text was in the latter part of Job 27:5,6; “…till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me. My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live.” Thomas Davy and Mr Long at our house in the evening, to whom, and in the day, I read three of Tillotson’s sermons. A good deal out of order with my side, which I am very fearful will turn to something of a cancerous humor.

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