Thursday, February 14 1760

In the forenoon rode over to Framfield. I dined with my brother on hog’s maw, mint and cold butter pudding…I balanced an account with my brother and sister as under:

Myself Dr.
To cash received of James Knight the 22nd of October in full for half a year’s rent due the 10th October when we had deducted £2 for land tax11.2.6
Per contra Cr.
To mending, schooling, clothing, boarding etc. of Philip Turner to the 1st April5.16.6

the quarter part of which is 1.7.3 for each of my brothers and myself, and I gave my brothers Moses and Richard and my sister Sally a note of hand for 1.6.4½ on demand, which was by mistake 10½d too little in each note. I stayed at my brother’s and drank tea and then came home about 7:20.

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