Tuesday, February 19 1760

About 5:40 I set out for Rye in order to take a shop which I heard was to be let at Winchelsea (and a very sharp frosty morning I had to ride in). I called at Battle and baited and spent 8d; that is, 2d for oats and 6d for half a pint of wine. I then proceeded on my journey, and sure I never rode in a more unpleasant day in my life, it snowing and raining all the way and the wind most remarkably high. Before I got to Rye I had scarce a dry thread about me, and when I got just to Rye the tide was out, and I, a stranger to the roads, was afraid to venture through; so that I turned back and rode to a public house about 2 miles back, where I hired a guide and went in and dried myself. While he was getting ready I spent as under:

To my horse0.0.4
To beer for the person that took care of my horse and others that assisted in drying my things        0.0.4
To brandy for my guide  0.0.5
Beer myself0.0.2
Gave the people for their trouble and wood0.0.3

I then proceeded on my journey and got safe to Rye about 2:50, though once wet through again. I gave my guide 12d. I put up at the George, where I dined on some beefsteaks and oyster sauce and spent the evening there in company with Mr Fender, Mr Blake’s servant… Spent today 2d more for a turnpike. I stayed at the George all night.

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