Saturday, July 19 1760

Lent John Browne in cash £10, which with the £20 I lent him (or more rather my brother) the 27th ult. makes the sum of £30, for which I received his bond, which I made to my brother William Turner on account that when my uncle Hill pays in my brother’s money, my brother Moses and I shall again take up ours, so that we have only laid ours down till such time as my uncle Hill pays Will his money, which he should have one before now. The bond is dated the 5th instant and the interest £4 percent, and witnessed by myself.

In the forenoon rode to Mr Peckham’s and looked upon his wool, and bid him 8½d per pound, but did not buy it… We dined on some lamb’s liver and pork fried. In the afternoon finished posting my day book. Mr John Pike of Burwash lodged at our house, he coming to see Master Hook.

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