Friday, August 1 1760

Paid Mr Blackwell in cash and rage as under in full for the 16 reams of paper I received of him yesterday:

1 cwt 2 qr 6 lbs white rags at 29/½
1 “  3 “ 0 “  common do.0.9.7
In cash0.12.0
To 16 reams paper3.8.0

…Master Watford at work for me today, and dined with us on a loin lamb roasted and French beans. Paid Ben Shelley in cash 12.16.6 in full for money paid for me this week… At home all day, but not very busy. About 4:20 we had a tempest of thunder, rain and lightning, though not very severe, the thunder being at a great distance, neither was it of long continuance.

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