Monday, September 8 1760

John Watford came to work for me in the morning; we cleared all my pear trees and then carried them to Thomas Bean’s at Whitesmith where we made them out into perry, making near 60 gallons. I paid T. Bean 4/6 for the use of his mill and press, and his own and man’s assistance. I spent 6d for beer to drink with our bread and cheese, which we carried with us… We came home without perry about 6:20.

In the evening Mr Richard Sterry came to our house and I balanced accounts with him… Mr Sterry supped and lodged at our house. Dame Cornwell Jr drank tea with my wife. Rec’d by Thomas Emery from John Streeter a receipt from Mrs Taylor, a widow and glazier at Lewes, which receipt is in full on account of Mrs Virgoe for the money I gave to John Streeter to pay the said widow Taylor the 7th day of July last. Very busy all day.

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