Tuesday, September 23 1760

Mary Heath a-washing for us all day and dined with us on the remains of Sunday’s dinner, with the addition of some French beans. Mrs Piper drank tea at our house. In the evening my brother came back from Lewes and left my horse and also left me a bill drawn by Mr P. Warren of Warminster on Mr James Wilkins in Basinghall street, London, dated the 15th instant, one month’s date, and payable to Mr Thomas Friend or order, and also properly indorsed by Mr Thomas Friend. Out of the same bill there is due to my brother 30.2.0; viz.,

Myself Dr.
To the above bill on Wilkins70.0.0
To money my brother paid Mr Madgwick0.2.4
To do. Mr Thomas Friend in full on my account                  5.15.4
Per contra Cr.
To money my brother received of Mr Thomas Friend for the 41 tod 20 lbs of wool at 22/- per tod sent him the 9th inst.45.15.9
To balance30.2.0

Rec’d of Thomas German the 2 guineas I lent him the 20th of last May, and for which he gave me his note of hand the 16th instant (which I now delivered up to him). About 11 o’clock we had several flashes of lightning and some claps of thunder and a very windy and rainy night.

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