Thursday, October 9 1760

In the morning got Bett Mepham to come and wait on my wife during her illness. In the forenoon my father Slater came to see us and dined with us on a piece of bacon, a plain suet pudding and cabbage. Mrs Atkins, Mrs Hicks, Mrs Jessup and Mrs French drank tea with my wife. My father Slater went home again in the evening.

Paid Mr Will Piper in cash 60.0.6 in full for money paid by Mr George Tomlin (for 2 pockets of hops sold for him… to Mr Will Margesson on my account on or about the 16th September last). At home all day and thank God my wife something better and pretty busy all day. Mr Poole, when he visited my wife yesterday, gave it as his opinion that her illness was the fluor albus and an ulcer in the right kidney.

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