Sunday, October 26 1760

…In the forenoon Dr Stone came to pay my wife a visit and let my blood. Our servant only at church in the morning. We dined on a skirt pudding, a piece of pork, carrots and potatoes. My brother William dined with us, he come to see me in the forenoon and stayed with us till near 4 o’clock. No service at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Laughton.

Molly Fuller drank tea with my wife, who is, I hope, something better. Thomas Davy sat with us in the evening, to whom I read 3 of Tillotson’s sermons. Today we had the melancholy news of the death of his most august Majesty George the 2nd, King and Parent of this our most happy isle. His death happened yesterday morning about 7 o’clock by a fit of an apoplexy; had his Majesty lived to the 10th of November he would have been 77 years of age. He has sat upon the British throne 33 years the 21st of last June.

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