Monday, December 22 1760

This being the day that the poor of this parish go about asking for charity against Christmas, I relieved the following with 1d each and a draught of beer:

1.Will Henly15.John Durrant
2.Francis Turner16.Thomas Heath
3.Richard Brazier17.Richard Heath
4.Widow Trill18.Thomas Tester
5.Dame Dan19.Sam Jenner
6.Widow Day20.Thomas Dallawy
7.Widow Cain21.Widow Cornwell
8.Thomas Ling22.John Streeter
9.Will Eldridge23.Rober Baker
10.John Elless24.Dame Burrage
11.Roger Vallow25.Richard Vinal
12.James Emery26.Dame Novice
13.Susan Swift27.Ann Wood
14.Richard Prall28.Will Slarkes
29.Edward Babcock
30.Will Sinden

Paid the post 4/2 in full for the same sum he paid Mr Thomas Davy in full on my account today. Borrowed of Mr Laurence Thornton in cash 5.15.6 for which I gave him no note. In the evening wrote my London letters. At home all day. My wife very ill, but I hope somewhat better. Paid Thomas Burfield in goods 8/9 in full for 15 beehives received by him today.

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