Sunday, December 28 1760

In the morning I walked down to Whyly with a shroud, sheet etc. for Mr Calverley. Myself and late servant at church in the morning, where we had a sermon preached by a young clergyman just come to be curate at Laughton, and I imagine this to be the first time of his preaching (Mr Porter administering the sacrament at Laughton). The text was in the former part of John 1:5: “And the light shineth in darkness,” from which words we had in my opinion a learned sermon and I think if the young gentleman’s morals are good he will in time make a fine man.

We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner, with the addition of some boiled trout. Myself and servant at church in the afternoon, where the same gentleman preached as in the forenoon, the text in the latter part of I Timothy 6:17; “Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.” In the evening read one of Tillotson’s sermons. My wife, poor creature, very ill. Oh, melancholy situation, but still, let me not repine, for doubtless many are as much afflicted.

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