Tuesday, December 30 1760

In the forenoon went and collected in land tax of the following people:

Ed Hope1.8.0
Thomas Reeve2.16.0
Will Wenham1.16.0

which is in full for half a year’s land tax due at St Michael last. I received of William Wenham 5/- too much, not having silver to give him change.

My brother came over in the forenoon and dined with us… After dinner I went and served part of Mr Ed Calverley’s funeral, Mr Lashmore also serving a part. In the evening received of Mrs Atkins 1.6.0 and of Mrs Virgoe 4/- in full for half a year’s land tax due at St Michael last. In the evening Thomas Davy and I played a few games of cribbage; I won 1d. My wife continues very ill… Gave a man who came from Lindfield with a petition for his house being consumed with fire 6d.

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