Fiday, January 9 1761

Rec’d of Mr Joseph Burgess £3; rec’d of John Jones 6/-; ditto. of Francis Gibbs 4/-, in full of each for half a year’s land tax due at St Michael last.

After breakfast went to Maresfield to meet the receiver-general of the land tax, where I paid his clerk, Mr Thomas Gerry, the sum of £62 in part for half a year’s land tax due to his Majesty at St Michael last. Called at Framfield as I went and came, but did not stay…

Spent on myself and horse 7d. We dined on a piece of beef boiled and turnips and some boiled trout, which was made my wife a present of yesterday by Thomas Fuller Jr. After dinner walked down to Halland to fit Mr and Mrs Coates to a pair of gloves. Gave Elizabeth Akehurst 6d for her Christmas box. My wife, poor creature, very ill.

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