Saturday, January 10 1761

Paid Mr Benjamin Shelley (by money he received of Mr Ben Treacher in full for rabbit skins sent him some time ago) 2.3.4 on account of carriage and 0.0.5 for 6 lemons, which together makes the sum of 2.3.9 and is the same he received of Mr Treacher…

After dinner I set out with an intent to have gone to Yalden, but finding the riding extremely bad I rode no farther then my brother’s at Framfield, and came back immediately. In the evening Mr Snelling called at our house in his way to Stonebridge, and it being somewhat dark, stayed with us all night. A very cold frosty day. My wife, poor creature, very ill. Rec’d of Robert Hook 1 roasting pig weight 10¾ lbs – 0.2.8¼.

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