Sunday, February 1 1761

In the morning our late servant went to see her friends. Myself at church in the morning… We had a proclamation read for a fast and humiliation on Friday the 13th instant for imploring the blessings of divine Providence on fleets and armies. We had a brief read for rebuilding the parish church of Thworlworth in Leicestershire, the charge of rebuilding which amounted to the sum of £1193 and upwards, to which collection I gave 1d. We dined on a sheep’s head boiled, the lights and mint boiled and minced, a piece of veal boiled. No service at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Laughton.

My wife, poor creature, most extreme ill. Oh, how do I tremble at the thoughts of losing so valuable a friend and companion, nay even a virtuous and prudent wife, an inestimable treasure, a treasure more valuable than Peruvian mines or all the shining gems of the East… [60 words omitted] …In the evening and the day read part of Young’s Night Thoughts.

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