Sunday, March 22 1761, Easter Day

Myself only at church in the morning, the text in the 14th verse of the 15th chapter 1st Epistle of Corinthians: “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching in vain, and your faith is also in vain.” I stayed the communion and I gave 6d. We had a brief read for the rebuilding of the parish church of Orton (alias Overton on the Hill) in the county of Leicester, the expense of which amounting to the sum of £1042 and upwards, I gave to the collection for the same 2d.

We dined on a fillet of veal roasted and stuffed and a piece of beef boiled, greens and a raising bread pudding. My niece and servant at church in the afternoon, and during churchtime my cousin Molly Hill and her maid came to see my wife. They stayed and drank tea with us and then went home. In the afternoon and evening read part of Yorick’s sermons. My wife, poor creature, extremely ill.

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