Monday, April 27 1761

In the morning Mr Will Francis called on me and breakfasted with me. I gave him one bill on Mr Will Margesson…value 30.12.0… in full… In the forenoon my brother Sam Slater came to see us, as did our late servant Mary Martin, who came to stand the shop for me while I went to serve Mr Piper’s funeral. They both dined with us on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. After dinner I went to the house of the late Mr Piper, where I served his funeral, giving away 39 pairs gloves and 6 hatbands.

We came to church about 5:50, when we had a sermon preached for him, the text in Matthew 25:46: “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” Mrs Browne drank tea with my wife. My brother Slater went away about 4:30. Our late servant went home in the evening. In the evening wrote my London letters. My wife, poor creature, most extreme ill. How does her illness afflict me to see as it were my own flesh and blood, my sincere and bosom friend, afflicted in so miserable a manner.

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