Sunday, April 26 1761

Myself only at church in the morning… We dined on a shoulder of veal roasted and stuffed, an apple pudding and green salad. After dinner I rode to Horsted and my uncle Hill signed the note of hand I received from my cousin Charles Hill the 4th instant, whereby they promise for themselves jointly and severally to pay me or order £20 on demand with interest for the same after the rate of £5 percent per annum, which is as security for the bill I sent my cousin Charles Hill the 10th ult.

I called on Mrs Browne to advise her in regard to her affairs, and called on Mr Will Lewer and settled accounts with him for her. Came home about 4:40. My niece only at church in the afternoon. In the evening Thomas Davy at our house, to whom, and in the day, I read three of Sharp’s sermons. My wife, poor creature, most extreme ill. Ah, melancholy repetition; but why should I repine or think myself afflicted, as it is the hand of Almighty God who knows what is better for us than we ourselves and through whose unbounded goodness it is that we live, move and have our being.

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