Sunday, May 24 1761

In the mornings rode to Pevensey, breakfasted with Mr Breeden and went with him to Westham Church, where I heard an excellent sermon preached by the Rev Mr Nicols, rector of Westham. I dined with my esteemed friend John Breeden on a breast of veal roasted and a gooseberry pudding (my family at home dining on a piece of beef boiled, a gooseberry pudding and greens). After dinner we rode to the Kings Arms at Ninfield in order to meet Miss Sally Waller to bargain with her for [i.e., to be] a servant, but we not agreeing, Mr Breeden and I came back to his house and drank tea there. I came home about 8:10. The text at Westham Church (where I heard the sermon) was in the latter part of the 14th verse of the 4th chapter of the Prophet Jeremiah: “How long shall thy vein thoughts lodge within thee?”…I found my wife when I came home something better. A most prodigious fine day.

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