Thursday, May 28 1761

In the morning my wife went home with her mother (in Mr Coates’s chaise) for the benefit of the air, but how does the thought of parting, perhaps for ever, affect me. I hardly know how to contain myself. Paid Mr Richard Warriner in cash 3.3.0 in full on account of his brother and himself… In the afternoon Mr Bell, a hosier, called on me and drank tea with me, as did also Lucy Mepham. In the evening Thomas Durrant came back (who went with my wife) and brought me the joyful news my wife held her journey beyond what could be expected, and may she, poor creature, reap the benefit I sincerely desire, and it is my constant and most earnest wish. T. Durrant and T. Davy supped with me.

Rec’d of Thomas Roase 7/- in full for window and land taxes due at Lady Day last.

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