Sunday, June 14 1761

In the morning rode to Uckfield and hired a post-chaise to bring my wife home in. I breakfasted there. We got back to Hartfield about 11:25, where we dined on some currant pond butter pudding… We then came away, my father Slater accompanying us on my horse. We got home thank God very safe about 5:40.

In the evening my wife was taken with an involuntary bleeding at the nose which continued near 2 hours and a half, and at times the whole night through (poor dear creature). What it is owing to I cannot tell, whether from my own unhappy temper or that of my friends and relations, but in this my day of trouble they seem to stand aloof and as it were staring at me like a stranger. Not one, no! not one that attempts to pour that healing balm of compassion into a heart wounded and torn to pieces with trouble. Whenever it shall please the Almighty to take from me the wife of my bosom, then shall I be like a beacon upon a rock, or en ensign on a hill, destitute of every sincere friend, and not a friendly companion left to comfort my afflicted mind and yield that pleasing comfort of consolation to a mind quite worn to the grave with trouble. Let me, oh! let me lift mv eyes and heart with sincerity to heaven for help, who alone is able to give relief. May I forever give glory to the Lord of heaven and earth in obeying the commands of his divine will in a life spent in true holiness and virtue.

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