Thursday, June 18 1761

Mr Porter and I balanced accounts with Mr Richard Stone and received of him 6.19.2 in full for interest due on a bond due to Will Piper deceased and John Piper, out of which said sum £4 is due to John Piper, excepting a bill for doctoring of 2/6 which we outset; the remainder of 2.19.2 I have in my own care, and I accordingly have sent John Piper by Thomas Bristow the £4 (including the bill of 2/6).

We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. In the afternoon my friend and cousin Charles Hill came to see me and stayed with us all night. In the evening my brother Moses came to see me and stayed and supped with me. My wife, poor creature, so ill that I even think it beyond imagination to form an idea of her sufferings.

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