Friday, September 11 1761

In the forenoon walked down to Mr French’s, and also in the forenoon my brother came over and we both rode to Lewes. I dined at Mr Madgwick’s on a piece of pork, greens and a plain pudding… In the evening walked down to Mrs Browne’s. Paid Ben Shelley in cash 20.2.6 in full as under:

The 10th instant. To cash paid Mr William Margesson on
my account
Paid for carriage etc. for a puppy for Mr Sam Gibbs0.2.6

My brother came home with me, but did not stay… Oh, melancholy time — trade was never so dull nor money so scarce… [19 words omitted]… But let [??], let me patiently submit to the ways of providence.

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