Sunday, August 30 1761

Myself and both servants at church in the morning, the text in the latter part of Matthew 26:24: “It had been good for that man if he had not been born,” from which words we had o fine sermon. During churchtime we had a storm of thunder, lightning and rain, though the two first were not severe here, but we had a very heavy rain for some time.

I dined on a piece of beef and pork boiled, and a plain suet pudding, carrots and spinach. No service at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Laughton. My servant’s brother and uncle came to see her and they drank tea with me and stayed till near 6 o’clock. In the day read part of The Whole Duty of Man. Oh, grief, how heavy is thy burden! In the evening wrote a letter to my friend Thomas Davy, and read part of The Acts.

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