Friday, October 2 1761

In the morning rode up to Mr Reeve’s and weighed his hops; viz.,

3 bags “T.R.”
1. 2612.2.14
2. 2542.2.4
3. 2862.3.12

which at 46/- per cwt, the two pounds excluded, amounts to 18.1.0, which I paid him. I also weighed up a pocket of Richard Hope’s, marked “R.H.”…for which I also paid Master Reeve.

I stayed and breakfasted at Mr Reeve’s. In the forenoon walked down to Halland. I dined on a piece of bacon, French beans and potatoes. In the afternoon went to Lewes, there being a fair there today… Paid John Cayley in cash 5.13.6 in full for his hops… My servant in my absence today paid Mr Ben Shelley in cash 1.0.6 for the same sum paid this week in London for me… Came home about 8:20 and sober.

N.B.: the 10/- I paid John Cayley when I bought his hops the 25th ult. was included in the 5.13.6 paid him today. In the evening read part of the London Magazine for September.

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