Monday, September 28 1761

In the morning rode to Edward Russell’s and weighed up his hops, which was 6 pockets, weighing together 8 cwt 1 qr 18 lbs, which at 47/6 per cwt amounted to 19.19.5¼ . I paid him…in full for the said hops.

From thence I rode to Alfriston where I breakfasted with Mr Sanders and in the day I and Mr Ben Hudson appraised his stock to Mr Vincent, who had bought the same, myself in behalf of Mr Sanders and Mr Hudson in behalf of Mr Vincent. The said stock amounted to about £32. We all dined at Mr Sanders’s on a shoulder of lamb roasted, a baked rice pudding and cucumbers. (My family at home and my sister and niece Nanny Turner, who came to see me in my absence, dined on some boiled pork and French beans). We all drank tea at Mr Sanders’s. I called at Mr Snelling’s, and came home about 8:25, having spent nothing.

I received of Joseph Fuller Jr 9 guineas and half in full for his part of Edward Russell’s hops which I weighed today. In the evening smoked a pipe at Master Fuller’s. My sister and niece stayed with me all night.

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