Sunday, September 27 1761

In the morning my servant went to Alfriston to see her friends. No churchings at our church in the morning, Mr Porter being indisposed. I dined at Joseph Fuller’s on a piece of beef roasted, an apple pudding, potatoes and French beans.

Myself and servants at church in the afternoon… The banns of marriage (for the first time) were published between John Jones and Mary Heath, both of this parish. Mr Chalice, curate of Ripe, preached in the afternoon. I drank tea at Joseph Fuller’s. In the evening read 1 of Tillotson’s sermons. All, all is pensive melancholy sadness.

Sent to my brother Richard (enclosed in a letter by Joseph Durrant’s apprentice) 1 bill on Mr William Margesson payable to Mr Sam Ridings or order…value £14. The bill was enclosed in a letter to Mr Stephen Fletcher…now at Lewes, to whom my brother was to deliver the bill and letter.

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