Tuesday, September 22 1761

We all breakfasted with Mrs Foreman and completed valuing the stock in the forenoon, which amounted to only £82. Mr Foremen, myself and Mr Richardson dined at the Chequer on a leg of mutton boiled and turnips and cabbage… I came home very safe and sober about 8:20.

I called as I came home and drank tea with Mr Madgwick and paid in cash 3.4.0 for funeral gloves etc. I also received of him a receipt from Mrs Mary Roase for the bill I left with him the 20th instant. My brother stayed with me all night…

Oh, what raptures did I use to approach home with in my dear Peggy’s life when I had been out, but now how different the scene… [15 words omitted]… No pleasing object to meet me with the smiles of approbation and all the other endearments of conjugal love and affection. Little, ah, little do the sons of riot and debauchery [know?] how great, how far beyond description, is the pleasure that is found in the company of a virtuous wife.

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