This being Christmas day, myself and one servant were at church in the morning, the text in the 3lst verse, 10th chapter, 1st Epistle Corinthians: “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” We both stayed the communion; I gave 6d. The widow Marchant, James Marchant, Bett Mepham and Philip dined with me on a buttock of beef roasted, a raisin suet pudding and turnips. They together with Joseph Fuller Jr drank tea with me. Paid Richard Page 4/- in full for my highway tax… as I have this day received the blessed sacrament of our Lord and savior, may I be a worthy partaker of the benefits thereby derived upon all sincere Christians… [58 words omitted]… In the evening read one of Tillotson’s sermons. In the evening Joseph fuller Jr, Thomas Durrant and James Marchant smoked a pipe with me.