Tuesday, July 20 1762

In the forenoon I went to church with Mr Carman’s daughter, for which I stood godfather in company with Mrs Vine the younger and Mrs Piper. We then walked down to Mr Carman’s, where I dined in company with Mr and Mrs Porter, Mr Aaron Winton and his wife, two Mr Clarks, Mr Piper and Mrs Vine, on a leg of lamb boiled, a roasted pig, 4 chicken roasted, a boiled ham, a currant suet pudding and a plain flour pudding, carrots and cabbage (my family at home dining on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with some French beans).

We stayed and drank tea at Mr Carman’s, and I came home in company with Mr and Mrs Porter about 8:15, as sober as when I went from home. Gave the maid 12d and the nurse 2/-. In the evening read part of Young’s Night Thoughts. A very remarkable dry time; a more remarkable dry time for money and scarceness of trade.

N.B.: The child was named Susanna.

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