Monday, August 23 1762

…Dame Mott breakfasted with me (who bought many things). I dined on a cold beef pie and a piece of pork boiled and carrots.

In the forenoon went down to Halland where I received of Mr Coates in cash 18/2 in full for a bill delivered the 14th for goods delivered to Halland for the use of the Duke of Newcastle this last time of his being there. I also received of Mr Coates 18/- in full for poor tax assessed on him by a rate made the 9th instant. Rec’d of Joseph Fuller in cash 24/- in full for the same sum assessed on him by a poor rate made the 9th instant.

Dame Roase, buying many things in the shop, drank tea with me. In the evening wrote my London letters. Thank God I have been very busy all day, and I may say the busiest day I have known this many a day. Ok, what pleasure it is to be busy! It quite cheers the spirits and chases away the gloom that hangs on a melancholy brow…

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