In the forenoon bi Thomas Calverly Jr called on me and I balanced accounts with him… Also in the forenoon Mr Jacob Fender, rider to Mr James Blake, called on me and I balanced accounts with him and paid him in full… I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of some cucumbers.
In the afternoon Mrs Hutson and Dame Chipper, buying some goods in the shop, drank tee with me, as did also Mr Tomlin Jr, hop-factor, who came in just as we were drinking tea. Mr Tomlin and Joseph Fuller spent the evening with me and Mr Tomlin stayed all night.
At home all day. Rec’d of Mrs Atkins 15/- for poor tax assessed on her by the rate made the 9th instant. Also received of John Jones 2/- in full for poor tax assessed on him by the said rate.