My father Slater come to see me in the morning and breakfasted with us and stayed an hour or two with me and then went home. Dame Akehurst a-washing for me all day and dined with me on a piece of beef roasted and horse-radish. At home all day.
In the evening went down to Jones’s, where we had a vestry held to consult on proper ways to raise a sum of money to pay for new-pewing and beautifying the church etc. It was agreed to raise or hire any sum requisite to pay off the whole expense, and the interest and part of the principal to be paid every year. In the evening my brother called on me in his road home from Selmeston Fair, but did not stay.
In the evening after I came home from the vestry, I wrote my London letters. Dame Akehurst lodged at my house all night. Not at all busy the whole day. A melancholy time. I think I shall pine away with grief at the thoughts…