Jarvis Bexhill, buying some goods in the shop and it being a very wet forenoon, dined with me on a piece of beef boiled and cabbage with a piece of pork.
Dame Durrant made me a present of a goose, and she, Thomas, Mr Tipper and Sam Jenner drank tea with me. I gave the good woman also a little of that which she esteems of more value than gold, ay, of that delicious cordial, Mrs Nant’s [brandy distilled in Nantes], a thing truly of greater value than a goose. Oh, that sweet delicious relish! How it enlivens the spirits, gives one all the pleasing sensations that are so agreeable to our nature. And above all, when there is too much taken, it renders the most agreeable part of the creation mere brute creatures, as is too often this poor woman’s case.
This day balanced accounts with Ben Shelley as under and received of him in cash-3.15.6:
Mr Shelley Dr. | |
To money received for 47 tod 11 lbs of wool he sold for me and my brother at 19/- per tod | 44.19.0 |
To money he received of Mr Ben Treacher in full for rabbit skins due to me | 0.5.6 |
To cash paid him Oct. 1762 | 1.6.0 |
46.10.6 | |
Per contra Cr. | |
To a bill for carriage from the 30th Dec., 1761 to the 30th June, 1762, both days inclusive | 10.13.10 |
To money paid to Mr Will Haslam the 28th in full on my account | 0.9.2 |
To money paid Mr Will Margesson on my account | 30.0.0 |
To the carriage of the wool | 1.12.0 |
Received in cash | 3.15.6 |
46.10.6 |
At home all day and but very little to do. In the forenoon busy a-writing and in the afternoon a-marking up goods. In the evening Mr Tipper sat with me a while. Rec’d by Shelley from Mr Neatby Jones’s bond, value 32.10.0