Saturday, October 30 1762

This day agreed with Mr Harman the stonemason at Heathfield to write our altar-piece and completely ornament and paint it, the letters to be the best leaf gold, and he to have seven guineas for doing it.

I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a plain suet pudding. At home all day and not at all busy. In the evening Sam Jenner and Mr Tipper sat with me some time. A very dull heavy time with me, trade bad, and money very scarce and hardly any friend in the world that can or will be a friend to me. But many of my relatives quite the reverse, which daily brings to my mind the memory of that sincere and virtuous friend whom I have not, my wife.

Exchanged Neatby’s bond on Jones for the note of hand I gave Jones the 2lst instant.

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