In the morning went down to the butcher’s and bought 3 stone of beef, value 5/-, 2 bullocks’ kidneys, value 3d, but did not pay for any of it… We dined on one kidney fried, a few rashers of bacon and cider toast. About 5 o’clock I went to the audit at Mr Vine’s and received of him 2.15.0 for goods delivered for the audit and 0.6.0 for nails etc.
Stayed till near 9 o’clock and came home very sober in company with Mr Porter, Joseph Fuller, Sam Gibbs, Joseph Durrant, Mr French and Thomas Cushman. Came away without having an opportunity to give the servant anything. Mr Porter, for himself and also for Mr Coates, Thomas Fuller, Mr French, Mr Gibbs and myself–in all 6–agreed with John Fielder to bring us from Hastings on Saturday next 1 thousand herrings, Hastings tale, and one thousand of pandles [a type of shrimp], for the doing of which we are to give him 15/6 and also to pay what the herrings and pandles cost on the beach. Then we are to share the herrings and pandles between us in equal shares. Mr Millward has promised us to take care we shall have good fish and as cheap as if we bought a last [12 barrels]. Very busy all day.