In the morning went down to see the widow Pilfold, and from thence I went up to Joseph Fuller’s, where I bought a sheep’s head and bell and sent [them] to Master Trill. Came home and breakfasted, and after breakfast walked over to Framfield where I balanced accounts with my mother; there remains due to me 64.16.5 on our account current, for £60 of which I received her note of hand, dated the 25th of this instant, with interest for the same to commence from that day at £4 percent per annum, and the remaining £4.16.5 still remains on my book. In the time I was at my mother’s there came in Mr Will Francis, Messrs Barlow and Wigginton’s rider, who also dined at my mother’s on some boiled beef broiled up… Mr Francis went away immediately after dinner. My mother and I both gave him a small order. I drank tea at my mother’s and came riding home about 6 o’clock. My brother came home with me to have the mare back again, which he had directly so soon as we came home. Mr Francis Elless sat an hour or 2 in the evening with us, and he and I read four of Tillotson’s sermons.