In the morning our servant went to see her friends. Thomas Davy breakfasted with us. Myself and nephew at church in the morning where we had a sermon preached by the curate of Chailey (Mr Porter being a-visiting there and did not come home) from part of Acts 10:38: “Who went about doing good”, from which words we had a good sermon but delivered in my opinion in a very indifferent manner.
We dined on the best part of shoulder of veal stuffed and roasted, a piece of pork boiled, a currant batter pudding and green salad. No churching here this afternoon. After we had drunk tea, my wife and self and 2 boys took a walk and called at Thomas Fuller’s and Master Piper’s, but made no stop at either. In the evening and in the day read 2 of Tillotson’s sermons and part of Horneck on Consideration.