Thursday, November 17 1757

In the forenoon walked over to Framfield. I dined at my mother’s… I balanced accounts with my mother and received of her in cash 6.3.4½ which leaves the sum of £21 due to me on this balance in the book, besides one bond, bearing date the 14th Oct.,.1754, value £130 and one note of hand, dated the 25th Dec., 1756, value £60, and a parcel of Manchester goods with a bill delivered the 10th Oct., 1757, value 13.13.6¼… After my mother and I had balanced, I received of her in cash 1.5.0 in full for 1 quarter’s board etc. for Philip Turner, due today. N.B.: There is due to my mother £10 (exclusive of anything I have before mentioned) on account of her wool, which I am to pay to Messrs Margesson and Collison on her account.

After I came home, I went down to Mr Porter’s with some silver; I stayed and chatted there near two hours. I came home and read 3 of Tillotson’s sermons. I stayed and drank tea at my mother’s before I came from Framfield, and my brother came home along with me, but did not stay, going home again almost immediately.