…We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a boiled duck and some turnips. About 3:20 Thomas Fuller Jr went with my wife down to Whyly, she riding on one of Joseph Fuller’s horses, and about 6:30 I walked down to Mr French’s, where we stayed and supped (in company with Joseph Fuller, his wife, two daughters and son Joseph) on three boiled ducks, two rabbits roasted, part of a cold loin of roasted pork, sausages, hog’s pudding and pear pie. We played at cards; my wife and I won 7½d. We gave their servant 6d each; that is, 12d between us. We came home between twelve and one o’clock, and I may say quite sober, considering the house we were at, though undoubtedly the worse for drinking, having I believe contracted a slight impediment in my speech, occasioned by the fumes of the liquor operating too furiously on my brain.