…In the afternoon my wife sent down to Joseph Fuller’s, and about 7:20 I sent to accompany my wife home. We stayed and played at brag in company with Master Fuller’s family and Mr French. My wife and I won 2/2 and came home about 10:20. but sure of all the women I ever saw, Mrs Fuller bears the bell for oddness of temper. For some time past she and many of the family have been almost incessantly inviting my wife to come and see them, but I imagine my wife went the wrong day, for I think without express words Mrs Fuller could not more plainly have told my wife she wanted us to be absent then she did by her indifferency and by her finding fault that we drank too much liquor, and many more such-like oddities.
Mrs Scrase of Lewes sent me by the post as a present 10 fine whiting. Thomas Davy supped with us.