Monday, December 10 1759

Sent Mr James Burfield at Steyning enclosed in a letter by the post one bill on Mr Will Margesson… value 4.5.0, and which is in full for the money I received of John Streeter the 31st of October; viz., 1.17.6 and it is in full for [1] year’s rent due from John Streeter to Mr Burfield at Old Lady Day last. The remaining 2.7.6 is in full for the money I received of John Cayley the 25th ult., which is in full for one year’s rent due from this parish to Mr Burfield (at old St Michael last) for that part of his house in which the wife of Will Burrage lives. Mr John Burgess of Rotherfield at our house in the forenoon, a-consulting about the widow Virgoe’s affairs… In the evening wrote my London letters and balanced accounts with Sam Shoesmith and paid him in cash 2.1.1¼ in full; viz.,

Sam Shoesmith Dr.
To a bill delivered on account of his late brother James Shoesmith1.13.5¾
To cash paid today2.1.1¼
For [entire] Cr.
To money receives of Mr Alex Whitfield [?????] for wood0.17.0
To do. For the furniture of the school2.2.0
Rec’d by 18 weeks rent for the school chamber0.3.6
Do. by 3 spelling books0.3.4
do. by a bill of schooling0.7.9
do. 3 copy books0.1.0

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