In the morning delivered to a servant of Richard Vine’s, weaver at Laughton, in cash 3.10.0 in order for him to carry to Mr Gilmore, powder-maker in Battle, which when paid is in full on my account to Mr Gilmore.
This being the day appointed by proclamation for a general fast and humiliation, my servant and myself at church in the morning, the text in Jonah 3:5: “So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.” Myself and servant at church in the afternoon, where we had nothing but prayers.
After we came home we dined on some boiled tripe. Paid Mr Ben Shelley in cash 4.8.6 in full for the same sum he paid for me in London this week… In the evening Thomas Davy at our house in the evening, to whom I read one of Young’s Night Thoughts. My wife, poor creature, very bad.