In the morning about 5:10 my brother called on me, and we set out for Pevensey where we arrived about 7:30 and breakfasted with my friend John Breeden. After breakfast we took a walk by the seaside. We dined with Mr Breeden on a leg of lamb roasted, a piece of bacon boiled, a plain pudding, green salad, greens and a pond currant mudding (my family at home dining on part of a loin of veal boiled). We stayed and drank tea with Mr Breeden and then came away.
We called as we came home both upon Jenner the hatter and Ben Shelley, but did not stay. Came home about 9:30, very sober. Spent today 8d; that is, 2d for the turnpike and 6d we gave Mr Breeden’s son. My brother went home from my house immediately. Not at church all day. In the evening we had a fine refreshing shower, there being a great drought for some time past, so that in many places the grass is almost burnt up.