In the morning, bought the Rev Mr Porter’s wool at 6d a pound. Went down to Mr French’s and bought his wool, but at no particular price… Paid Ben Shelley in cash 2/4½ and by money he received of Mr Ben Treacher in full for rabbit skins I sent him 9/7½, which together makes the sum of 12/- and is in full for the same sum he paid Dr Godfrey in full for three dozen of his cordial this week…
In the evening Joseph Fuller Jr, myself, Thomas Durrant, Joseph Durrant, James Marchant and James Potter went down to Jones’s, where we stayed and smoked a pipe or two and spent 3d each. Came home about 10:05, very sober.
This afternoon John Durrant the younger was buried at our church, aged 31 years, who died as it were after a few days’ illness, though he has not been in a firm state of health some time past. Very little to do all day. I hardly know what to do for the want of money; and yet I cannot get in one bill. Thomas Durrant lodged at my house all night.